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Full-Name Index to "The History of Sequoyah County 1828-1975"

Full-Name Index to "The History of Sequoyah County 1828-1975" cover image
Full-Name Index to "The History of Sequoyah County 1828-1975" cover image Full-Name Index to "The History of Sequoyah County 1828-1975" cover image
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by: Susan Davis Faulkner
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Publication Date: December 31, 2012
Book Size: 8.5" x 11"
Pages: 276
Binding: Spiral Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781620303221

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Book Synopsis
“Full-Name Index to The History of Sequoyah County 1828-1975” is an essential tool for any family historian or genealogist with ancestors who lived in Sequoyah County, Oklahoma during the 1800s and 1900s. “The History of Sequoyah County 1828-1975” is a rich history of an area that would become and eventually did become Sequoyah County. Attention is given to the history of communities, churches, clubs and organizations, businesses, and schools. Probably the most fascinating portion of the book is the vast amount of family stories.

The family stories of “The History of Sequoyah County 1828-1975” are written by various authors. Most of these authors were family members who provided details of their family history that may be hard to find in any other single reference. Anecdotal stories are shared as well as information on several generations of marriages and descendant children. It can be overwhelming, and all but impossible, to find the details about family members that are shared in this book without a full-name index.

“Full-Name Index to The History of Sequoyah County 1828-1975” was a labor of love with a desire to find that needle of family story in the thick haystack of information included in the book “The History of Sequoyah County 1828-1975”.
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About The Author
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Susan Davis Faulkner is an avid genealogist and historian. Not only does she enjoy using indexes in her research, but she also enjoys creating indexes for other researchers. Instead of making this full-name index of "The History of Sequoyah County 1828-1975" available online, she opted to preserve it in print. Web pages come and go, but the history of Sequoyah County is a constant for those that study or walked the times creating the rich history found in the book.

It is Susan's hope that Full-Name Index to "The History of Sequoyah County 1828-1975” will help reveal many mysteries and family history details from “The History of Sequoyah County 1828-1975”.
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